Quasar has more than 500 man-years of experience
in the wireless area. This offers our customers
a critical advantage in speed-to-market, selection
of components with the best yield in volumes,
and in ensuring zero downstream firefighting
during subsequent phases of development and
Quasar assists its customers in completing
their product and service offering, reduce R&D
costs, decrease time to market and facilitating
de-risked 'product pilots , through economized
logistics involved in component sourcing and
module fabrication. Quasar makes this possible
through its strong partnerships with market
leading component and platform providers through
its years of experience in this domain.
Quasar ensures appropriate system and circuit
design parameters for effective RF design. Quasar
can create an RF design that integrates the
best analog and digital baseband components
suited to your needs. Quasar has appropriate
expertise with hardware and RF circuit debugging
and simulation procedures including Port Impedance
and Admittance Modeling. Quasar has significant
expertise with noise consideration and cancellation.
Quasar has in-depth expertise with a variety
of standards, protocols and mobile device operating
systems involved in integrating a full-featured
wireless device. Whether you require a feature
packed smartphone or gaming console, or if your
need is for a basic terminal that can fulfill
mass market requirements, Quasar ensures that
you have the ideal operating system software
environment and applications for your reference
platform. Whether your needs range from a branded
UI, a customized Man Machine Interface or ensuring
that each layer of your communication protocol
stack is integrated in the most efficient manner,
Quasar provides the best software possible.
Quasar has the ability to create low-footprint
code (C, Assembler, micro C) that makes less
demands on phone memory and power, while ensuring
extremely fast application execution.
Ensuring that your device does what its intended
to do can be an onerous task against the sheer
volume of testing and validation required. Quasar
makes sure your device adheres to conformance
criteria by relying on its thorough understanding
of a range of telecom wireless networking standards,
FCC and CE certifications and Full Type Approval
for wireless devices. Quasar uses its experience
and test laboratory to ensure that your device
conforms to certification specifications from
the ground up to minimize expensive design changes
and to improve your device pass-through rate.
Quasar also has the ability to create specific
custom in-house test suites, in addition to
existing suites for handset development. Our
pre-certification testing ensures that possible
concerns are identified upfront.